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Add Restart Explorer option Right Context Menu

Add Restart Explorer In Right Context Menu In Windows

At times you may need to restart explorer.exe for some reason. Well, you can always use the Task Manager or create a shortcut to restart explorer or follow this method to kill Windows Explorer in 3 clicks. Maybe you customize a lot or maybe your explorer hangs or freezes frequently and needs to restart explorer often or maybe you just don’t want to go through all these multiple clicks simply to restart explorer.exe. RightClick Restart Explorer is a simple tool that adds Restart explorer to your right-click context menu.

Right-Click Restart Explorer

Right-Click Restart Explorer
Right-Click Restart Explorer

Simply download and run this freeware portable app. Click on Install to add the Restart Explorer option to your context menu.

Context Restart Explorer
Context Restart Explorer

The next time you want to restart explorer, simply right-click and chose Restart Explorer and your explorer.exe will restart.

To remove this option, click Uninstall.


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