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Disabling Automatic Updates on Windows 10: A Step-by-Step Guide


The management of updates in Windows 10 has generated controversy, particularly surrounding the automated installation of cumulative updates by the operating system. This automated process can prove highly inconvenient for users, leading to mandatory restarts at less-than-ideal moments.

It is crucial to recognize that certain automatic updates may include vital security patches and crucial stability enhancements, benefiting your system's overall performance. Consequently, if you choose to disable automatic updates for an extended period, it is important to consider the potential impact on your system's security and stability.

One potential but less-explored option involves making registry changes to the Windows operating system to deactivate automatic updates. It's essential to note that this approach is risky and should only be undertaken by experienced users who have thoroughly backed up their entire system before attempting any registry modifications. Errors during this process can have severe and adverse effects on your computer and its overall functionality.

Option 1. Watch Video Tutorial To disable Windows Update

Option 2. Disable the Windows Update Service

Windows Update is essentially just another Windows Service and can be turned off in a similar manner to other services.

Follow these steps to stop Windows 10 updates:

  1. Fire up the Run command (Win + R). Type in “services.msc” and hit Enter.
  2. Select the Windows Update service from the Services list.
    Windows Update service
    Windows Update service

  3. Click on the “General” tab and change the “Startup Type” to “Disabled”.
    Windows Update service
    Windows Update service

  4. Restart your machine.
When you want to re-enable automatic updates you just follow the same procedure except you select “Automatic” when choosing the “Startup Type”.

Option 3. Set Up a Metered Connection

When utilizing WiFi to link your Windows 10 device to the Internet, you can establish a metered connection. This configuration helps conserve bandwidth by exclusively downloading and installing priority updates automatically.

While Microsoft's classification methodology might be somewhat unclear, opting for a metered connection is an effective strategy to minimize the impact of automatic updates in Windows 10, particularly concerning driver and software feature updates that could potentially lead to stability issues.

To disable Windows 10 updates:

  1. Open the Windows Update service (Win + I).
    Windows Update service
    Windows Update service
  2. Click on the ‘Network & Internet’ section.
    Windows Update service
    Windows Update service
  3. Open ‘Wi-Fi’ and click the ‘Manage known networks’.

  4. Select network and in ‘Properties‘ toggle the ‘Set as metered connection’ option to ‘On’.
    Set as metered connection
    Set as metered connection
For some reason, Microsoft only offers this option if you are using a WiFi connection. If you connect to the Internet through an Ethernet cable you will not be able to set up a metered connection.

Option 4. Group Policy Editor

Modifications to the Group Policy Editor are accessible for users employing Windows 10 Education, Pro, or Enterprise editions. Unfortunately, those using the Windows 10 Home edition do not have the option to disable updates through this method.

In choosing this approach, be aware that security updates will continue to be installed automatically. However, for all other updates, you will receive notifications of their availability and can choose to install them at your convenience. This mirrors the traditional functionality of Windows update. Presently, Microsoft aims to streamline the update process for less experienced users, but this comes at the expense of flexibility for more advanced users.

Here’s how to update your Group Policy Editor to prevent automatic Windows 10 updates:

  1. Launch the Run command (Win + R). Type in “gpedit.msc” and hit Enter to open the group policy editor.

  2. Drill down through “Computer Configuration” to “Administrative Templates”.
    Computer Configuration
    Administrative Templates

  3. Select “Windows Components” and then “Windows Update”.
    Windows Components
    Windows Components
  4. Choose the option on the right to “Configure Automatic Updates.”    
    Configure Automatic Updates
    Configure Automatic Updates

  5. Select the option that indicates “Notify for download and auto install”.   
    Notify for download and auto install
    Notify for download and auto install

  6. Click “Apply” and “OK”
  7. Type “Windows Update” into the Start menu and select “Windows Update Settings.”
    Windows Update
    Windows Update

  8. Restart your computer to finish updating the group policy editor.
  9. Check for updates. You should be notified by Windows if it finds them but they should not be automatically installed any longer.
    Windows Update
    Windows Update
From this point forward Windows should notify you that updates are available and it is your responsibility to make sure that they get downloaded and installed.

Why Would I Need to Know How to Disable Windows 10 Updates?

Implementing updates for the operating system, drivers, and applications can sometimes result in unforeseen issues on the computer where they are installed. To safeguard yourself and your system from unexpected problems, it's advisable to create a backup before initiating the update process.

Regrettably, when automatic updates are installed without explicit approval, the opportunity to take this precautionary step is eliminated. This leaves you vulnerable to potential complications, and the only recourse may be to revert to an older backup if issues arise after an update.

Many updates necessitate a system reboot upon completion, and they consume bandwidth during the download process. This can lead to decreased response times and unexpected reboots, disrupting your work routine.

Thus, there are valid reasons to consider turning off automatic updates in Windows 10. However, it's crucial to exercise caution and ensure that you don't disable the service without periodically checking for updates. While automatic updates can pose challenges, allowing your system to fall behind on critical updates can also result in significant consequences.

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